Cool SMS 5

If I could pull down the rainbow I would write ur name with it & put it back in the sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u!!

This life is too short to make and accelerate relations,
but I don’t know why people break the developed relations.

This life is too short to say something to loved ones,

but I don’t know why people keep silence for a long period.

This life is too short to make real friends,

but I don’t know why people break friendships.

If you will carry on the way

guided by human,

you will find a HOPELESS END.

But if you will carry on the way

guided by Allah, you will find


Life is not just waiting for someone
who is made for you.

But life is living for someone,

who lives because of you.

Flowers need sunshine,
violets need dew,

all angels in heaven know I need u.

I love photos.
Because the best thing about them is that.

They never change,

Even when the people in them Change.

“William Shakespeare”.

We love ourselves even after making so many mistakes.
Then how can we hate others 4 their small mistakes?

Strange but true! So make habit of FORGIVING.



I may not be with you,


My Thinking,

My Care,


My Prayers

My Lovely Wishes

Are Always With You.

U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart, U may be out of my reach but not out of my mind.I may mean nothing to u but u will always be special to me!

If ever you get less SMS from me,
don’t think that I didn’t care for you.

It means that I am searching the

best SMS for a best person like you

People live People die People Laugh People Cry Some give up Some will try Some say hi Some say bye Others may forget YOU but never will I.

I Never Expect Others To SMS Me.
But I’ll Always Drop My SMS

Into Their Inbox To Show

I Still “Love & Remember” Them

With or Without Their SMS

Feel good when somebody Miss u. Feel better when somebody Loves u. But feel best when somebody never forgets u.

Two things can never be defined in whole life,
<1> LOVE: Because you never know who LOVES you how much.

<2> FRIEND: Because you never know how deeply they care about YOU.

Always ask God to give u what u deserve,
not what you desire.

Its bcoz your desires may be few,

but you deserves a lot!

Some relations are like TOM and JERRY.
They tease each other,

they knock down each other,

they irritate each other


they even can’t live without each other!

An Excellent RoAd sentence
Written on National Highway:

Go Slow,

Unless U Have An Urgent Appointment With God!

English Wonder
These Words Have Something In Common.

Banana, Dresser, Grammar, Potato, Revive, Uneven

Could You Identify ?

In each of the words listed,

Move 1st letter to the end of the word and read backwards.

It spells the same.

Hard Times Are Like a Washing Machine,
They Twist,

Turn & Knock Us Around,

But In The End we Come Out

Cleaner, Brighter & Better Than Before…

Sometimes you have to run away.
Not just to create distances.

But to see who cares enough

to run behind you!

People Laugh Because i am Different, .

And i Laugh Because They Are All the Same, .

That’s Called ‘ATTITUDE’…


A popular inspirational speaker said:
Best years of my life were spent

in arms of a woman who wasn’t my wife!

Audience was shocked and silence.

He added:

She was my mother!

Audience applause and laughter!

I’ll walk wid u in every step of Life
But promise me You’ll hide your wings

when we walk together!

Cause, i don’t want the world 2 know that u r

. . . . .an “Angle”

Our body is fully made of water
but whenever it hurts

blood comes out.

Our heart is full of blood

but whenever it hurts,

water comes from our eyes.

Life is a one-way road.
Where can see back.

But you cannot go back.

So do not miss anything.

Enjoy every second of Life!

If An Egg Breaks Due 2 OUTSIDE Force!
“Inside Life ENDs!”


If it Breaks from inside! “Life Begins!”

“GREAT Things Always Begin from Inside!

So try to make your inside GOOD!

A little difference between
Promises & Memories.

Promises: We break them

Memories: They break us.

Keep a special place for me
in your heart, not in your mind!

Keeping me in your mind

can be dangerous for you

because people say I am

MiNd BloWinG…

Happiness cannot be found
when you seek it for yourself

but when you give it to others,

it will find it’s way back to you

that’s the mystery of happiness

it grows when shared.

The happiest of people don’t necessarily
have the best of everything.

They just make the most of everything,

that comes along their way.

Death is not the greatest loss in life
The greatest loss of life is

when relationship dies among us

while we r alive


B strong in your Relations.

Expression of the face
could be seen by everyone.

But the depression of heart

could be understood only by the best one.

Don’t lose them in Life.

Thousands of languages around this world
“smile” can beat them all.
“Smile” is the Language even a BABY can speak..


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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